The Goddess Oracle Worldwide
Dutch Version |
French Canadian |
German Version |
Portuguese Version |
Spanish Version |
English Version |
DUTCHHet Godinnen OrakelThe Dutch translation of The Goddess Oracle is published by Altamira / Brecht; read about it in Dutch on the Godinnen Orakel page. |
FRENCH CANADIANl'Oracle de la DéesseThe French Canadian translation of The Goddess Oracle is published by Editions AdA Inc. and features full-color plates of each card in the book. The case is sturdy, and fastens with an elegant magnetic clasp. |
GERMANGöttinnen GeflüsterThe German translation is published by Shirner Verlag; peruse the publisher's Gottinnen-Gefluster page here. |
PORTUGUESEO Oráculo da DeusaThe Portuguese translation is published by Pensemento. |
SPANISHel Oraculo de la DiosaThe Spanish translation is publish ed by Ediciones Obelisco. |
ENGLISHThe Goddess OracleThe Goddess Oracle in English is now published by U.S. Games, and arrived in October 2006. The first edition was published by Element Books, the second by Element/HarperCollins UK. Don't miss the glowing Reviews! Hrana stocks only the current English edition, available now for immediate shipping of Artist-signed copies.
As I don't have access to the publishers of the translated (non-English)
versions, I do not keep them in stock.
I'll be happy to sign one for you if you mail it to me with a self-addressed-postpaid
return envelope!
--Hrana Janto
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All images © Hrana Janto Website courtesy of Sound Visions